Phone conversations with Tris!!

Created by Caitylovescarebears 10 years ago
I remember all of the calls I got from Tristan and they were ALWAYS the greatest and funniest conversations ever! One of the last phone calls I got from him, I remember really well. He called me just to talk (he'd call me all the time just to talk) and we were having a serious conversation and I was talking, he all of a sudden stopped me and said "DID YOU HEAR THAT?" Than I go "Tris, really!? Haha. No, I didn't. What was it??" And he goes Tris "I farted on the phone!! You didn't hear that!? I was blowing you a kiss and you didn't even hear it. I just wasted a fart. Go on." He sounded so bummed out, but so happy that he made me laugh. We were laughing for awhile that I completely forgot what I was talking about and ended the conversation. We sat on the phone for like a minute without talking and I burped, than he did and it went back and forth. We went on for a bit and (of course) he won like he ALWAYS would. We ended the call with the same "I love you, sis." "I love you too, bro." That story makes me laugh every time I think about it. He would make phone calls so fun. I'll miss those calls. I love you, Wanker.
